Gare de Lyon

The Reprieve, p.73-4
Rue de la Poste. Two posters; two groups; and still talking about him. He plunged into a long dark alley, which he felt sure had been passed over by the bill-posters. He was alone, he could think about himself. And he thought; 'It has come.' It had certainly come : that full and rounded day, that should have died of old age, decently and in peace, and was now suddenly prolonged: arrowlike, it hissed into the night, sped into the darkness and the smoke, into the deserted countryside, across a turmoil of axles and engines; and he slid into it all, like a man on a toboggan. Which would only stop at the far end of the night, at Paris, on the platform of the Gare de Lyon.

gare de lyon

Iron In The Soul, p.291
'Wasn't keen about going out Sunday, meself,' said Lambert : 'too many people around : besides, I worked Mondays, and it was a goodish pull to the Gare de Lyon.' 'What you do at the Gare de Lyon?' 'Worked in the inquiry office - that big building just outside the main entrance. Any time you're thinking of taking a trip, just you let me know : I'll see you get a seat, even at short notice! - there's ways and means of fixing things like that.'